Download Encyclopedia of Chess Patterns, part 1: 101 PATTERNS, 600 pages, 300 diagrams, links to 300 games Now

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Download Encyclopedia of Chess Patterns, part 1: 101 PATTERNS, 600 pages, 300 diagrams, links to 300 games

Read Encyclopedia of Chess Patterns, part 1: 101 PATTERNS, 600 pages, 300 diagrams, links to 300 games book online now. You also can download other books, magazine and also comics. Get online Encyclopedia of Chess Patterns, part 1: 101 PATTERNS, 600 pages, 300 diagrams, links to 300 games today. Are you Looking Download or read Encyclopedia of Chess Patterns, part 1: 101 PATTERNS, 600 pages, 300 diagrams, links to 300 games for free..? enjoy it.

I suggest you look inside:
to check that you will understand
to see 17 out of the 101 patterns
to see figurines instead of piece initials
to appreciate the neat diagrams
to link to sample games

This ebook is a combination of "Fundamental Chess Patterns 1-50 and 51-100", a directory of 101 patterns to be used as a reference, AND the complete analysis of the following patterns: Critical squares , Illusory Pin, Smothered Mate, Attack to the castled King. It presents on my web site one game for most of the patterns.

With a small increase of price, the size increases to more than 600 pages, with a lot of diagrams (300 total) to help understanding the patterns

    It is not easy for beginners and intermediate players to learn how to play chess and improve their game. Instead of learning mainly through practice (which could take years) or the study of the games of Masters (difficult and easily forgotten, trying reverse engineering on things one does not understand), this book presents a toolkit of weapons: essential patterns that are necessary to know in order to play well!

   What you need to know before reading this book:
* How to use algebraic chess notation
* The ability to visualize at least 4 plies without a board
* Standard tactical devices, such as Counting, Forks, Skewers, Pins

   What you will learn in this book:
* Basic patterns that every player must know
* How to improve your game
* How to use Opposition and Critical Squares

   What you will NOT get, and why:
* Capablanca: nobody can learn to play well merely from the study of a book, it can only serve as a guide, and the rest must be done by the teacher

   There is no limit to what is available to a chess student today: you can find gigabytes of books, software, and video - a jungle in which the student can go astray.

   It is well known that strong players see a position broken down into elementary groups (chunks), each having specific, known characteristics. This is due to the huge number of games they have played, analyzed and retained in memory. As a result, they immediately recognize winning patterns.

   This book includes NO puzzles, BUT a selection of 101 patterns chosen from among the essential patterns. They need to be engraved in your mind, so that you recognize them immediately (regardless of which side of the board you are on), without any doubt or hesitation.
  These are all patterns that are essential to know in order to be able to play well. They are not endless lists of moves, which would be impossible to remember, but rather positions that occur frequently, that you can learn to recognize without thinking, the way Masters do.

Are all these patterns known?
Sure they are, but this is not the point. A GM knows over ten thousand, a CM about 200, but what about you? Can you afford not to know these few key patterns?

   Novice and intermediate players are the target of this book, class B (1700 rating or less).

Periodically going through these patterns will help you avoid losses, win more games, and reduce your thinking time. If only one of these patterns was unknown to you (or you were uncertain what to do when you saw it), your learning time will not be wasted.  If already know them all, and have never fallen victim to any of them, then great, play tournaments and enjoy Evelyne Nicod's cat illustrations.

   New! You can see for free on (copy the link to your browser) many related games, with English comments. Follow through and download PGN. Appearance is simple and neat, and diagrams start at the appropriate move. An Internet connection is needed. Use a tablet or computer for best results.

   Enjoy the reading!

   Rodolfo Pardi, librarian, FSI (Italian Chess Federation) instructor and arbiter

   Translation from Italian was recently checked, however some minor language errors might still be there, for which I apologize.
To make it easier to read, this book uses algebraic notation with figurines, fine tuned for appearance on Kindle.

Download Book Encyclopedia of Chess Patterns, part 1: 101 PATTERNS, 600 pages, 300 diagrams, links to 300 games

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